
Friday, April 09, 2010

Courtney, Justin, Adam

Here are Hannah and Hailey with their 'Minnesota Cousins'.
Even though we are less than an hour away from each other we usually only see each other at holidays or weekend BBQs at grandma and grandpa's.
We don't see Courtney, Justin, and Adam enough but when we do the kids have so much fun together.

My sisters and I grew up with tons of cousins and I always think about how I wish we were closer with all of them. I don't want my kids to feel that way when they get older and it is important to me that they have close relationships with their cousins.   When Hailey gets a little older we need to start having more playdates with them and inviting them over and doing things together more often.
I think it is time to stop using the 'we live too far apart' excuse and realize that it could be worse, we could be on different continents- like their other cousins :-(

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