
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Look at Me, I'm in Kindergarten, Can't you See

Today was Hailey's Kindergarten Program.
It was super sweet to see the girls find each other, get super excited, then wrap their arms around each other to hug.  We made our way to our seats and soon the Kindergarteners marched in.
I always get so choked up at these events.  I think I am going to be fine but it never fails.  Once those adorable little things start singing I lose it.  My eyes were dripping for most of the show.
I think during those moments I feel a huge sense of pride.  I am so proud of my girls and at times feel so blessed that they are healthy and happy. During these shows it also reminds me that each day they have a job.  Just like I go to work and do my thing, they have this whole little life that they take part in.  They spend a huge part of their day away from me.  Learning from others and making friends. 
I also feel so thankful that there are people that dedicate their life to helping my child develop.  There is a whole school full of grown ups making sure my child learns, making sure she uses her manners, keeping her safe.
The kids are so fun to watch.  At this age they are still so excited and happy to be performing for their parents.  They are all so animated and none of them are embarrassed to be singing or dancing on stage.  Not a single one looks like they are bored or that they don't want to be there.
Our last Kindergarten program, makes me sort of sad.

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