
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Let there be light!

Since buying this house I have learned to appreciate when people have nice things.  I appreciate their decorating, I appreciate the details they put into making their house feel like a home.
I suck at this.
Now that I have two nightstands and a new bed, I wanted to have some lamps.
I have never bought a table lamp.  I have purchased floor lamps for apartments that had no overhead lights but never have I ever purchased a table lamp.
I figured it couldn't be too hard, there are lamps everywhere!
Ummm......I made multiple trips to the store.
This lamp below I ordered online and went to the store to pick it up.
As soon as the woman brought it out of the backroom for me to load it in my cart I just informed her to leave it there and make the return instead.  Do you see the woman back there?!  That's right, you can't.  This lamp is so large that it hid a human!  Ugh.

After multiple trips to multiple stores, many times checking the same store out more than once.
Purchasing 6 different lamps and returning all of them I finally found them.
These were purchased at Home Goods and instead of doing what I normally do: take a picture, think about it for weeks, go back and forth about should I or shouldn't I and then finally making a decision only to learn that they are gone, I purchased them.  There.  I did it.  Just like a grown up.

And it paid off!  These are perfect!  I love them and can not WAIT to use my lamps!!!

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