
Thursday, October 07, 2010

Dinner Art

It is always a joy when I am feeling overwhelmed and then I finally get a chance to sit at my desk and actually do work.  For those of you that know me, you know that I am a list writer. 
I don't always need the list but I always like to have one, just in case.
I also take lots of notes and attend a lot of meetings.
It would probably be snart to develop some type of note taking system, but for now, notes are taken on paper.  Most times I don't need the notes that I have taken and the reason I have written so much is just to distract me from the meeting anyways, gives me something to do so I don't say too much or get too involved (or sometimes upset).
Then when I have time, I like to go through all of those notes taken at meetings and log them electronically or complete the 'things to do' that came from the meeting.
Anyways, I was having one of those 'clean up the list' type days and came across this, all mixed in with my work notes.
Dinner Art.
Last Friday Brian and I took the girls to 5*8 Grill for dinner.  Hannah wanted to play Tic-Tac-Toe (how does she know about that?!....I guess I paid for that too at the price of $340 a week).
After our Tic-Tac-Toe game her and daddy wanted to draw lines.
I am glad for this blog, so I can take a picture of this page....to remember these nice days of going out to eat and spending time together as a family and then throw that paper away.
It really isn't worth scrapbooking....

1 comment:

Chris Miller said...

I am wondering if that guy in the mustache is from the Grandpa Dan show!?