
Sunday, October 03, 2010

The Circus....really was a zoo

I saw an advertisement for the Shrine Circus on a billboard recently.
I can not remember the last time that I had been to the circus.  For some reason, I feel like the last time I was there it was with school.  Is that even right?!  Did we take field trips to the circus?

I wanted to take the girls.
Kim, Kristin, and Grandma came with us .  Jennie got us buy one get one coupons even though she couldn't make it :-(  . 
 I didn't buy tickets ahead of time.  I figured we would just get tickets at the Box Office at the Target Center.

Turns out everyone else had the same idea.

It was crazy!  The line went out the door and around the corner. 
It ended up moving pretty quickly (20-30 minutes probably) and eventually we had our tickets and were on our way in to the show.

Everyone had a good time.  Hannah can't stop talking about the elephants and how I missed seeing the biggest one stand on his tippy-toes and twirl in a circle, like this (insert demo).

1 comment:

Patience said...

I was upset by the circus when I went a couple years ago. Seeing a bear ride a bicycle just seemed so sad and wrong....