
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Rough Day

Today the girls stayed home from A Plus and we went to the hospital to say goodbye to Tom.

Hailey made him a card, it was so sweet.
The girls had a real tough time.
Tom was their Grandpa.  I never referred to him as their grandpa.  I never told them to call him that but I also wasn't going to stop them from calling him that either.  Honestly, it was weird for me. 
The whole relationship from the beginning was weird for me.  But their relationship with him has nothing to do with me. 
My heart breaks for them and I wish I knew how to support them through this.
They understand what is happening and even though I had gone back and forth on whether or not they should see him like this, I am so glad I brought them.

Hannah's team had a game tonight and since we know that Kelly isn't in town yet, we decided that the girls should have some type of 'normal' in their life right now.
I am not sure that was the best call.  Hannah was clearly upset and Hailey spent most of her night crying.  It was hard to think about or focus on anything other than that hospital room and my poor mom who is having to say goodbye to her husband.

After the game I got my family settled at home and I decided I needed to go back to the hospital.  Kelly had made it home and tonight would be the night.  They decided not to wait any longer and soon they would be turning off all of the machines.
All of Tom's family was there and even though my mom was there with them, I felt so bad that nobody was there with HER.
I called Jennie on my way and offered to come and get her and without any hesitation she decided to go with me. 
When we got to the hospital they had already unhooked all of the machines. Tom was taking his last breaths on his own.  They were shallow and quick but they were still happening.
We sat there for a few hours until a nurse came in to tell everyone that sometimes these things can take a few days.  Tom's breaths are pretty strong and it could be a while.  She suggested that everyone go home to get some rest.  Jennie and I went home with mom, one of us driving her van.
When we got her home we went inside to help her get settled.  We tried to help her find some of the documents and insurance policies that she knew she would be asked for.

It was well after midnight when we finally left her, which felt 'wrong' but Jennie stayed with her last night and she assured us that tonight she would be ok alone.

I hope she can get some sleep...

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