
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Nothing says American like girls and malls

Today the girls got to go to the Mall of America and pick out their American Girl doll.
Hannah had been asking for one for about a year,  Not a constant begging but mentioning it enough that we decided if she was going to get one and enjoy it, this was probably one of the last years to make it happen.  She knew exactly which one she wanted and had NO DOUBTS at all (more like her dad this way).  Hailey knew she wanted a doll but quickly became overwhelmed with the decision to pick one (more like her mom this way).  Too much to look at, too many decisions, too many choices.  She finally picked Ellie because she was blond hair and blue eyes, no freckles.  Just like Hailey!
Grandma Judy came with us, we had some lunch and then made the LONG drive home before we could open those boxes and set those girls free!

Hailey with Ellie

Here is Hailey with Ellie.  Hannah did not want a picture of Grace on the internet so I had to sneak this one.

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