
Thursday, September 07, 2006

4 down, 1 to go

I finished the book Midwives by Chris Bohjalian tonight.
Wow, it has left me speachless. This is a very good book. Very interesting and thought provoking story. It left me craving more.
For those of you who are not familiar with this book, I will give you a short description of what it is about. This story is told by a daughter who has a mother that made her living as a lay Midwife. During one of the deliveries, something goes wrong and the laboring mother ends up dying...the baby is saved. The cause of the mother's death is unknown, but believed to be from the emergency C-section that the midwife performed once the laboring mother died....or was she really dead before the C-section? Was it the C-section that killed her?
During this book you will read excerpts from the midwife's diary, you will hear phone conversations and late night conversations that were overhead by the storyteller (daughter). You will experience the courtroom antics and at the end you will find out if the midwife was charged with murder.
The only thing that was hard for me was that the story was being told by a female and the author of the book was a male. Being a new reader, this is something that I will need to learn to adjust to. I need to realize that these books are not always real-life situations, they are stories. Up until now, I wouldn't read a book unless it was a true story. No time for tales....not anymore....I am addicted.
4.5 of 5 stars

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