
Saturday, January 21, 2017

Things I didn't know

Today is the day.
The Parmley Family trip to Florida.  Hannah and Hailey's first plane ride. 
Our first official family vacation.

Our plane was leaving this evening around 6:15 pm so we made our way to the airport around 3, arriving at 3:30.  This will give us plenty of time to get through security, check bags, look around, get some dinner and get settled before boarding (we hoped).

Steve and Katie dropped us off (which was so nice of them!) and we had already checked in and had our boarding passes so it was a breeze checking our bags at the curbside service.  We walked into the airport and quickly learned that THIS is the time to travel.  The airport was dead.  Apparently Saturday evening travel isn't very popular.  It was perfect.  We got through security with no trouble and the girls were able to talk to the staff and share with each of them that they were getting on a plane for the first time and heading to Disney!

We arrived a little before Grandma and Grandpa so the girls wanted to look around and use the bathroom.  While we were in the bathroom Hannah washed her hands and after she had gotten the soap on them, said to herself "Hmmmm, I never knew this is what airport soap smells like!".
There were a lot of Ohhhhhs and Ahhhhhhs as they looked down each of the halls of the airport.  They had no idea that you could shop at the airport.  "Is it like this everyday?  Like these shops are always here?  Can we go in there and buy some souvenirs?"  (hard to explain that souvenirs are something you buy when you get to your location, not in the airport in the state where you live)
They walked a few steps down the concourse to the huge windows. 
 "I never knew planes were that big!"

When grandma and grandpa arrived we went to Axel's for some drinks and dinner.

We timed everything perfect.  Once dinner was done we made our way to the gate and only waited about 10 minutes before it was time to board. As soon as there was any sort of announcement that it was time to get on the plane they were up and ready.  "Let's do this!"

These two were so excited.  They could not stop smiling.
Each of the girls got a window seat and even though it would be dark for our flight, they were still excited because they never knew what a birds eye view looked like at night.

They were great on the flight.  As expected Hannah talked my ear off and thankfully the guy in front of us LOVED her and kept telling me how much fun it was to hear how excited she is. 
His daughter is now 22 years old and he misses that. 
They ate snacks, watched movies, listened to music and did some of their homework.
Hannah decided to write on the back of each homework sheet where she was when she did the assignment.  She also knew that her class was starting on fractions this week so she asked us to create some fractions problems for her on the back of her homework.


The plane ride was very smooth.
We landed in Florida, got our minivan and then we were on our way.
"I can't believe we are in Florida.  I never knew this is what Florida smells like. I didn't know that Florida had trees like that.  This is so cool!"
It was a short 25 minute ride to the house, we got in and settled.  The kids were exhausted but still too excited to sleep, or so they said......took just a few minutes before they were snoring away.
This is going to be so much fun.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

More! More! More!!! Love hearing about their first plane ride. It's easy to forget that a lot of people have never been in an airplane before and have no idea what it's like. And they're right, sometimes the airports can be pretty fun haha.