
Thursday, January 01, 2015

To continue or not to continue, that is the question

I wish I were in a different situation right now.  I wish that I could be writing right now, actually on Jan 1, 2015, telling you "Here we go!  We are off to another great start!  The 6th year of blogging is beginning!".  The truth is, it's September 29th and I just finished the posts from 2014 less than a month ago.  I just received the 5th book (the green one) in the mail (I usually order them with the first coupon of the year in March).

This past year was hard.  Harder than normal to find the time to write.  Harder than normal to remember funny things and sweet moments.  Harder to talk myself into thinking that maybe someday all of these books will actually be read. Bad things happened and so many days were stolen from us.  There is a part of me that wants to stop.  5 years was a good run, there are so many great stories and snip-its of your lives within those pages and as you get older, we will have fewer stories to tell.  You will eventually stop with the adorable phrases and expressions and turn into smart young ladies that have life all figured out.  Then there is a part of me that says to keep going.  I looked through my phone tonight and found so many pictures, so many emails of conversations, events, moments that happened that have been stored away waiting for their turn to make it into the book.  So, looks like we've got at least another year.

I am not much for resolutions and it's sort of late to declare this since it's actually September  when I am typing this but I hope to do something with these walls this year.  It'll probably be tough to actually say now that it will be done by the end of the year so I won't promise that but I at least want to have a plan.  Something to work towards.  I can't take much more of the naked-ness!

Here's to a house-decorating plan in 2015!

1 comment:

Patience said...

I love your blog and I think that the record of your family is priceless! And the books WILL be read, maybe only once a decade, but that's okay. Instead of an all or nothing approach, what about modifying your approach? Do one post a week or a couple a month? I'm behind in my blog, but with a goal of a few a month, it is much easier to make up for lost time and to keep up on it... That's my vote!