
Monday, December 22, 2014

Waiting and waiting and waiting

This morning Lula set a new record for morning giggles.  The girls were amazed by her and her friends.  They even got in on the action and crouched down to hop over the finish line.
 It was hard to pull them away from the action this morning.

 When I got to work Loriann and I exchanged some Christmas/going away gifts.  It's going to be so hard when she leaves.  I am going to miss her so much.  I know we will stay close and we will still text/chat all the time but there will be something eerie about not seeing her everyday.
She made me these magnets and I absolutely LOVE them!  I love emojis.  I love to express emotions and they allow you to do that when texting.

Tonight the girls wanted to go see Santa.  Hailey hasn't told us what she wants for Christmas. She has been waiting to tell Santa.  Brian brought the girls to Northtown Mall so we could get in line right away however as soon as we got in line they put up a sign that Santa was going on break.  Bummer!
We decided to go grab a bite to eat and then come back afterwards instead of waiting in line during Santa's break.
When we came back we came without daddy this time.  The line was pretty long but I estimated it would take about an hour to get through.  BOY was I off.  We waited over 2 hours.  Overall the girls did ok.  I always hope that they can wait more patiently then they actually do but thinking of how hard it must be for them to stand still in that line- they did pretty good.
We finally made it up to see Santa and here was the moment- we were finally going to learn about what Hailey wants for Christmas!  Hannah walked right up to Santa and told him what she wanted, 'A Husky Pillow Pet".  Hailey froze.  She lifted my shirt, put her head under it and hid.
Guess she's not going to talk to Santa today.

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