
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Mommy's Spa Day

Today I while I was cleaning up the kitchen Hannah came down and asked me to come upstairs. 
When I got to the top of the stairs I saw that she had put a sign on the door to my room.
When she opened the door, the lights were off.  Candles were on, she had spa music playing (that she searched out on her phone), magazines and a bed made on the floor.
She had me lay down and told me that she would be in in a minute and then she went into the bathroom.  She came out a few minutes later with a warm wash cloth.  She placed it on my face and proceeded to give me a massage.
What a sweet girl!  Sometimes she amazes me with the kind of person she is.
She is very thoughtful and loves to do nice things for people. 


Patience said...

LOVE this post! This girl is very enterprising!

Unknown said...

So cute!