
Wednesday, December 21, 2016


A fad that is sweeping the nation with young kids.
Not sure what it means or what it's for.  Is it a dance move? Is it a gesture?  I have no clue.
Lula must have picked up on it because there she was this morning, Dabbing.

She also brought Hannah a picture of Santa's reindeer.  A week ago Hannah sent Santa a letter asking for a picture of the reindeer.  Today it arrived in the mailbox and Hannah could not have been more in awe with the situation.  She came up to the bathroom to tell me about it and her eyes were watering and she was shaking.  She could not BELIEVE what just happened!

She wanted to pack up the picture and bring it to school but we talked about how this was a special secret between her and Santa.  She probably shouldn't take it to school to show it off, just in case.

Thanks Santa- that was pretty special and don't worry, she will keep your secret.

1 comment:

Patience said...

I'm glad I'm reading your blog, I've never heard of this dabbing business. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when my kids are a bit older....I'm so out of touch!