
Saturday, July 30, 2016

It Could Have Been Ugly

This week the cabin got another new feature!  A new back door.  It is SO MUCH better than the door that was on there before.  There is even a storm door now which is so nice to have that extra layer of security.  Things sure are starting to look great around here.

We bought the kids Bunchees for an activity for the cabin this weekend.  These are little plastic balls with Velcro-like edges.  They made some pretty cute creations.
The kids were in the bedroom playing when all of a sudden they came out with a handful of them stuck into Hailey's hair!  UGH!  After about an hour of work we finally got them all out and didn't even need to use the scissors.  Of course there is a small warning on the box about keeping away from hair that none of us read, but by the feel of these it would seem as though they would untangle fairly easily. Ummm, no.  Sure, they came out but I would highly recommend to keep them away from hair and not take the chance. It could have been ugly.

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