
Thursday, August 06, 2015

And the hits just keep on coming......

My leg still hurts.  It's not getting any better yet so it was time to schedule an appointment with Ortho.  Summit has an Ortho-quick clinic so I called, made a same day appointment and within an hour got the news that my leg is broken.
Yeah.  Broken.
(remember how I was just in Las Vegas, walking A LOT, yup- that probably didn't help)

It's not the main bone.  It's the fibula, which is the smaller non-weight bearing bone of the leg however, my tibia (the bigger bone) is constantly knocking into it which is causing the pain.

You can see it on the Xray (left bone, the darker white part).  It was broken and is now starting to heal but you can clearly see that there's still a ways to go.

Plan:  continue to wear (or actually wear consistently) the boot
Stay off it as much as possible
Check back in 4-6 weeks to check on the healing progress

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