
Wednesday, November 05, 2014

I just might start to cry

I hope within a month or so I can remove this entry.  But for now, I need a place to just say that I am dying.  My poor blog is SO far behind, it makes me ill.
I WILL be back.  I have my pictures all set aside, I just need to sit down and get to work.
Having awesome new neighbors and being overwhelmed at work have taken over and things are slipping.  Well, they have slipped. 
This is super important to me and it's not something that I am going to give up on.  I just can't write right now.  As a matter of fact, I am sitting here right now at 10:21 staring at my computer almost in tears.  My list of things to do to prepare for our Epic go live in December is getting longer and longer, the uncertainty of who will we report to and how our team will be structured is getting to me.  It's starting to get darker earlier in the day and the sense of  'I don't have time to get things done in the day' is worse than ever.
I know things will eventually slow down and I will be able to make room for things like this again but at the moment I am super sad and overwhelmed about it.

See you soon....


Jennie said...

Was it something I said? :-/ *gulp*

Patience said...

What you need is to be called for jury duty - hours of sitting in a room with nothing to do - I am getting to catch up on your blog!!

Kari said...

Do NOT BE SAD. Honestly, I think you should just pick up where you are now, whenever that may be. I don't think you should stress over this - IN THE LONG RUN what you have will be enough, and I don't think you will ever be beating yourself up over a few "lost" months when you already have SOOOO much. Good luck, Amy! I LOVE YOU.