
Wednesday, June 08, 2011


Not really sure that I am really ready to be blogging about this.
Not really sure that I even want to blog about this.

Friday, May 27th I decided to start something that I have been planning/thinking/talking about since last (2009/2010) winter/spring.  I strapped my iPod to my arm, tied up my shoes and went for a walk/jog.

Karri Schnur tried a C25K (Couch to 5K) program a while ago and after talking to her and realizing that after the short 9 week training program she was running 3+ miles, I decided that I needed to give this a try.
I have been thinking about it since then and even got so brave as to buy an app that I could load on my phone.  It basically does everything - except the MOST important piece....getting your butt actually off the couch.

Through all of these months that I have been thinking and talking about it Karri has been running 5Ks, 10Ks, and most recently a 1/2 marathon!  So proud of her and yet so jealous!
Not really jealous that she is out running marathons and sweating but more jealous that she is motivated enough to try it, like it, and then continue to make huge progress. 

I have been full of excuses - I won't waste your time telling you all of them - I am finally tired.
I am tired of hearing myself say 'Tomorrow.  Tomorrow is the day.  No matter what."  I must have told myself that at least 200 times over the past 1 1/2 years.

Another thing (that frankly, I am not really ready/sure that I want to talk about) is that I joined Weight Watchers online in March.   Another thing that I had been telling myself for years that I was going to do.
It was finally time, I finally joined.  I started to see some immediate progress so it was very motivating to keep going.  I was very good for the first 9 weeks.  I was seeing the number on the scale consistently dropping.  Then on the 10th week I had actually gained a pound.  It was upsetting to me and so I decided to skip logging my weight for that day.  That led to stopping the tracking of what I eating and that led to 3 weeks of chaos.  Each week I was standing on the scale to see if that 1 pound I had gained was gone yet and when I would see that it wasn't I started my 'I'll start again tomorrow' attitude and before you know it three weeks had past and I wasn't feeling very proud about what I had set out to do.

That brings me to Friday, May 27th around 7:15 am.
My first day of an 11 day vacation.  After Brian and the girls left for daycare, I changed into something more comfortable, put in my headphones, started the C25K app and off I went.
This app is great!
  • You can add your own songs to create a playlist.
  • There are voice prompts telling you what to do (Walk, Run)
  • There are voice prompts telling you when you have hit the halfway point
  • The app lays it all out.  It's a 9 week program and all I have to do is start.  Once you have started the app does the rest.  It requires no thinking or planning from me.  Just needs me to actually press start
When I got to the last running segment of the program, my heels started to ache a little.  I could tell that I was going to have a blister.  Ouch! 
Well, I not only got one blister but both of my heels were blessed and they were extrememly painful.
Looks like I won't be running for a while...

That brings me to today.
Today I successfully completed the last day (Day 3) of the first week (Week 1)!
P.S.  I bought some new shoes that keep me blister-free

I haven't wanted to blog about it because I am not convinced yet that I am going to finish this program.
Running is not my favorite thing to do and the thought of running for 30 minutes+ straight makes me want to fall asleep.  I am not confident that I can do this.  I am sure going to try but blogging about it now makes it official.  Others will see what I have attempted and if I fail everyone will know.
I am not really concerned whether or not anyone cares if I fail - I have nothing to prove to you - this is about me.

I am feeling good about the track I am on.
I am feeling good about the efforts I am making.
I am feeling ok about the progress that I have made and feel motivated that I can meet my goals.
I am super fortunate to have such great support and positive feedback from Brian (LOVE YOU HONEY and Thank you).  This has been the most helpful and encouraging for me.
I am also very grateful for the positive comments and compliments that I receive from my coworkers.  You truly motivate me to keep going.  Your feedback is priceless right now, thank you.
For the others that I have talked to or shared my progress along the way, I appreciate having you to talk to as someone that I trust and someone I know isn't going to sit by judging my every move.


Chris Miller said...

Go for it, Amy. You're right, this is for you and no one else, but it helps to have people who support your desire to achieve something. Good luck on your goal, but mostly congrats for getting this far!

Chris Miller said...

Go for it, Amy. You're right, this is for you and no one else, but it helps to have people who support your desire to achieve something. Good luck on your goal, but mostly congrats for getting this far!

Patience said...

Healthy habits are beasts to start, but they do become addictive, if that helps at all. Well, maybe the exercise thing more than the eating. But let me just say, if you come visit, you can come to the track with me twice a week. And maybe if you're really good, you can come to BodyPump!!!! :-)

Ka said...

I think it's great for starting, that is the hardest part! Don't think of it as failing if you don't like it, it's personal preference. You either learn to like (or LOVE) running...or you don't. Everyone is different. Oh, and thanks for the props!

Jennie said...

You're doing great Amy! The hardest part, like you said, is getting your booty up and off the couch! Congrats! :-)

Kari said...

You are my motivation! As you know, I started jogging a couple of years ago, but in the last year I've really gotten out of the habit. Not because I didn't like it - life just got in the way, but lik Patience said, healthy habits also become habits. If I can jog and run then ANYONE CAN because even when I was in high school and LOVED basketball I always felt the running part SUCKED!

Well, the beginning is hard, but after a week or two you just fall into a rhythm, and since this is not a competition, you do the best you can. I am so proud of you, and so jealous. Running (well, jogging actually) was so inspiring and motivating for me, and now I rarely do it :(. But I started again, because of you! :)

I am just jogging a bit on my own for the moment, but plan on starting the c25k (I bought the app too!) maybe next week. A little nervous about what will happen when the app instructs me to run and I am staring at a 45 degree hill, but we'll worry about that when it happens, haha.
Good luck! You can do it!