
Monday, February 27, 2012


Jackie does a preschool program with the kids at daycare.
Most days they bring home worksheets and artwork (or Are Wo rk) as Hailey would say.

Hannah has started writing Mom with a heart on all of her papers.
It makes me smile.  I love that she was thiking about me during the day.

Hailey is getting pretty good at her H's. 
I remember when Hannah was first learning to write her name, she perfected the H and was like Zorro marking her territory everywhere she went.  Hailey is following in those foot steps quite nicely.
It's amazing really to think that in 5 short letters she will be writing her own name.

1 comment:

Patience said...

These girls are growing up so fast! Signing their names already? What's next? Coloring in the lines! What is the world coming to....