
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It's kinda ridiculous

This winter has been taunting me.

After the 5K in August, I haven't been out running much.
It started to slow down as fall came and the sun would go down around 4:00 in the afternoon.
I didn't want to go out jogging at night and knowing that winter was right around the corner I figured it would be appropriate to put the running shoes away until spring.

Well, spring came in December and hasn't left to make room for winter yet.
We are having a record breaking winter!
No snow and not the typical cold winter days that us Minnesotans are used to.

I sort of feel like I am beig taunted.
A daily reminder that I shouldn't have stopped running last fall.

Oh well.....as Hannah would say "Whatevs!"

Once our Order/Charge Roll Our is done (around mid-March) I plan to start up again. 
I wanna run a 5K or two this summer. 


Jennie said...

Torchlight--pretty sure it's later this year, right when Kari will be home :-)

Patience said...

I'm just going to say it....BodyPump can be done year round. Now that I've said that, yay for spring and a return to running!