
Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Project Talk

This is the conversation I overheard while Hannah was working on her project tonight.

Brian:  "Hey buddy, whatcha workin' on?"
Hannah:  "My project.  It's for my dance party."
Brian:  "Your dance party?  When is that?"
Hannah:  "In 7 weeks."
Brian:  "Oh 7 weeks, huh?"
Hannah:  "Yep.  7 weeks to the dance party, then all the people will come to my party. There might be elephants there that will dance with us."
Brian:  "Wow, really?"
Hannah:  "Yep, in 7 weeks.  First I need to finish my project."


Jennie said...

Um, you know that in 7 weeks there needs to be a dance party now don't you?......with elephants

Chris Miller said...

Is the White Grandma invited?