
Friday, October 08, 2010

Pond clearing

While making toast for Hannah this morning, we noticed that the bread was starting to get a little stale.  I made a comment to her that we would need to throw this bread away and open our new loaf.  She responded with "No mom, how 'bout we save this for the ducks at the duck pond.  That a good idea?"  We agreed that her idea was better than mine.
I dropped her off at Jackie's and sure enough when we met up again 9 hours later she remembered our 'good idea'.
She would not stop talking about it until finally I gave in and off we went.
We started throwing the bread peices to 5-6 ducks that were sitting in the grass.  Soon after, the ducks starting coming out of the pond and running over to us.  All together there were about 40-50 ducks and geese all around us, quacking and begging for bread.   Note to self:  next time you go to feed the ducks, bring enough for everyone.


Kari said...

great story! love it! and i like the way little ms. hannah thinks!

Jennie said...

very cute story--and a good moral at the end too ;)