
Friday, April 05, 2013

Menu love

We took the girls to Acapulco tonight for dinner.
Hannah and I were using her menu/placemat to play Tic-Tac-Toe.
It's sooo fun to watch her play and actually understand what she needs to do and how to block someone, etc.  There were actually times where I was trying to set something up and in the process I lost to her.
I was talking to Brian as she was suppose to be drawing our next board and when I looked down she was pointing at the note she made me- how sweet!

We split an order of Fajitas and once again in awe of the way this kid eats- she piled her tortilla up with steak, chicken, peppers, onions, beans, cheese, pico de gallo, sour cream and guacamole.
SOOOO thankful that my girls are not picky eaters!


Kari said...

Yes, picky eaters are a pain in the backside. What I wouldn't give to see my kids piling on the toppings! They can just barely get past the tortilla.

Then again, the teen years are not far off and I may be eating my words in the near future as those teenage boys eat through everything in the house!

Patience said...

Congratulations on having good eaters! I am still battling Violet and eating. LOVE the placemat games and drawing!