
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Take 1

Christmas Eve :-)

We started our morning on the hunt for Lula.
It took the girls a while but they finally found her.   Today is her last day with us.  When Santa comes tonight to leave presents for the girls he will be taking Lula with him back to the North Pole.  We had so much fun with her and are hoping that she returns next year.

On Christmas Eve we celebrate with the Parmley side.  We all gather at Grandma and Grandpa's.

When I was younger we would always spend Christmas Eve with my dad's side of the family and Christmas Day with my mom's side.  It worked out perfectly (we thought at least) because then we got to see everyone during those two days.  When Brian and I started celebrating holidays together it was perfect because his family celebrated together on Christmas Eve.  My kids would continue the same type of tradition that I grew up with.  One small thing....my dad's side still tries to get together on Christmas Eve and because I have a family of my own now it's harder to see the Miller's on Christmas Eve.
I keep teasing (but really I am serious) my aunt that we should do a Christmas in July type of celebration so that we can all get together and make it a little easier for us all to see each other.  It sucks to loose touch with your family.  Even if you typically only saw them on Christmas, it is still your family.
It always makes me sad that I had so many cousins growing up and in the grand scheme of things we don't know each other very well.  Well, take that back- some of my cousins know each other real well.  They went to the same school or their parents got them together to play when they were little.  I don't ever remember doing that.  We would see them on holidays or at family events.  Occasionally at the cabin but never just because (at least I can't recall a time).
Anyways, my cousin Scott hosted Christmas Eve at his house this year and I decided for once to say no to something.  I usually take on too much and run myself crazy trying to be in 3 places at once because it's hard to tell someone no but this year, I had to do it.  I decided to not even give it a thought.  I couldn't make it.  I had too many things to do to assure that we were ready for Grandma's and this year, I didn't want to be up at 2:00 am on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day wrapping presents. 
So, we didn't go.
I saw pictures today from the party and I have to admit, it made me a little sad.  My sisters were all there.  Kas and Tin were all dressed up and looked so adorable. 
I am sad I missed it but I had to.

We watched the Vikings game today and after it was done we headed out.
About an hour in Jennifer and I decided that we should probably attempt the kids picture before they got too wild or crabby.
Started out pretty strong, all but Courtney.  She wasn't in the mood.
Appears my camera wasn't either- shoot!

Grammy wanted a picture with the kids so they all piled on.  Courtney didn't want to get closer so we had to work with what we could.  Pretty sad that this is my best shot with grandma.

Courtney finally decided this wasn't so bad afterall so she scooted a little closer but by then Hailey had had enough and disappeared.

She sat pouting on the chair and was NOT happy that we were trying to talk her into taking more pictures.

Hailey saw this picture a few days later on my camera and said "Mom, me no cheese."

She came and sat with me and was pretty happy so as long as the camera was still out we tried for a picture.

A little while later it was time to open presents.
"Kids, how about we take a picture of all of you and then we can open presents?!"

They must have forgotten about our attempt upstairs because they all came over and plopped in front of the fireplace.  This time Hailey and Courtney were the first ones there and it would take some coaxing to get Justin, Adam, and Hannah.

Hey- this is not as easy as it looks ;-)
It's like hearding cats trying to get all these kids to sit still long enough for a picture.
I don't ever remember our parents having to go through this to get a picture and looking back at the photos, I remember seeing pictures of kids- standing stick straight, in a line smiling.   Wonder if the digital era has anything to do with that- these poor kids are ALWAYS taking pictures.

We attempted a family picture and now Miss Hailey is showing everyone how she really feels about all these pictures today.

Like this picture of Brian with his parents and sister.  Such a nice family to be a part of.  I sure am lucky that they treat me so well and have always welcomed me.

One last picture before it's time to open presents.

A few of the gifts we received included:

Brian- Buffalo Wild Wings gift card, wood chisel set, wire stripper/cutter, cast iron pan for use on the grill.
Amy- necklace, 31 Storage Tote, quilted Christmas Tree skirt, iTunes gift card
Hannah and Hailey: Barbies, Barbie car, movies, My Little Ponies, Princess table and chair set, Chutes and Ladders game


Patience said...

Love the family pictures! Looks like a great Christmas! LOVE the clever gifts - gumball machines, post-it holders, and magnetic boards: GENIUS!

AJ said...

Thanks for posting pics! Sometimes I feel like I'm not part of the extended family anymore because I've lived away for so long! It's always nice to see everyone - even digitally :)