
Sunday, July 17, 2011

The many sides of Me

Hailey has been starting to talk more and more lately.  Every so often she will pull a full sentence out that you can understand perfectly.  "Here you go"  "I go" "I do"  "I wanna go" "I did it!". 

Other times it sounds like she is speaking in Chinease.

She has plenty of words that she can say: Mom, Ma, Mommy, Dada, Hannah, Bruce (from daycare), Jackie, Nol (Nolan), Yeah, Yay!, ball, broke, stuck, No (she's real good with this one!), more, baby, some sort of Thank You (too hard to try to spell but it is clear that that is what she means), she makes animal sounds, Poo (yes- what you think she means...but it's fun because she is starting to use the toliet), and me.

'Me' is by far the most universal of the words.

Point to a shoe and say 'Me' = I would like to wear these, help me get them on?
Point to what you are eating and say 'Me' = I would like to eat some of that too
Point to your sister playing with something and say 'Me' = Hey, I want that!
Point to the buckles on your carseat, say 'Me', point to the person trying to buckle you in = Hands off- I wanna do this myself!
Point to your baby while she is sitting on your lap and say 'Me' = This is mine
Point to your crib after rocking for a few minutes and bedtime and say 'Me' = I am ready for bed now
Point to the outfit you picked out and say 'Me' = Daddy, look at me!  I'm cute!
When in the bath, point to the soap, point to your belly and say 'Me' = My turn to get washed up and get out
Carry books over to the couch, climb up and say 'Me' = Let's read these, please
Point to Hannah and while crying, cry the word 'Me' = Hannah took that from me and I want it back
Choose your freezie, run to the 'cutting-counter', point to the scissors and say 'Me' = Cut mine first!
Point to a picture of yourself and say 'Me' = probably doesn't need a translation
Watch mommy and daddy hug or kiss, point to us while running over to get in the middle, shouting 'Me' =  I want some too!!


Kari said...

oh, i love that! she is so eloquent with her words... :)

Patience said...

I LOVE this post - it is just too adorable! With such a good translation dictionary, I don't know that she will ever need to learn more words!