
Thursday, May 26, 2011

More on Child Labor

I hope when my kids look back at this blog and see all of the pictures of them helping (clearing off the table, cleaning the toilet, getting the mail, etc) they remember that they wanted to help and don't think that I was a slave driver or anything.

Tonight Brian was mowing the lawn and the girls and I were hanging outside.  The patch of hostas that line the driveway were sharing the space with lots of weeds and when I looked over it was bothering me enough to get my gloves and starting plucking!

Hannah had to run in and get her gloves too

 After I pulled the weeds, I would set them on the driveway in little piles and my little Hailey Monster would waddle over, pick them up and through them in our yard waste basket.
When Hannah got sick of plucking she would jump in with Hailey helping to keep the driveway free of green!
Seriously, such great little helpers tonight.  Actually made weeding kind of fun...

After the edging was done in the yard, Brian turned on the leaf blower to blow the dirt off the sidewalk.
Hailey scooted closer to Hannah.
Hannah turned and hugged her while repeating "It's ok buddy, there's nothing to be scared of."

When I was putting Hannah to bed tonight I asked her what her favorite part of the day was (we sometimes do that and most times I get to hear about the last thing she did at night like 'when i went potty and brushed my teeth" - you know the answer she gave because she had to say something for the assisgnment).
Tonight I got this  "When we were outside cleaning up, sticking together like a family"

Me too, Bean.  Me too.


Jennie said...

and my heart just melted into a puddle....

Patience said...

Seriously, too cute! And child labor is one of the main benefits of having children!