
Monday, April 18, 2011

Something's missing...

Both kids were taking a nap yesterday afternoon so I decided to sneak out and run to Target (for the 1st time for this week and the first time in 24 hours).
It started off amazing!  I could take as long as I wanted.  I didn't have to talk to anyone.  I didn't have to keep reminding the kids in the cart to 'keep it down' or 'use their inside voices'.
Going down the aisle, realize it's the wrong one? No problem, turn around and go down the right one.  No need to explain myself. Just do it.

Then about half way through my trip it made me a little sad.

Where were my little friends?
Who was going to keep track of my list, what we bought and what we still have left to get?
Who was going to be the tie breaker when I had choices to make?!

Note to self:  next time kids are sleeping, use the time to get something done in the house- the kids are actually very helpful shopping buddies

1 comment:

Patience said...

Sometimes, it takes a bit of absence in order to really appreciate your little administrative assistants...