
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Not just a tree

While I was adjusting the ornaments on the tree I couldn't help but smile.
My tree finally has some history on it.

For instance, this ornament is as old as me.
This Pooh ornament was on our tree while I was growing up. 
I can remember looking for this ornament each year.  Mom cleaned out her ornaments last year and each of us got to take a few.  I had to have this one.  It reminds me of Christmas growing up.

This ornament reminds me of my friend Karri.
Just like I am sure that when people see monkeys they think of me, whenever I see a pig I think of Karri.
Not for obvoius reasons, obviously.....she loves pigs.
While I was putting this ornament on the tree I couldn't help but think of her and the years that we have spent together.  A true friend that I love dearly.

Mom made this ornament for Hailey's first Christmas last year.
My tree is starting to turn into a family tree. 
Ornaments that will one day belong to Hannah and Hailey.
Ornaments from the first year that Brian and I were married.
I hope they look forward to seeing the same ornaments on our tree each year.

When my Grandma Miller passed away, I really wanted a few ornaments.
Growing up, we spent every Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa Miller's house.
Usually all of the kids would sit in the front room near the tree waiting to open our presents.

Viva Las Vegas.
This ornament was purchased in Las Vegas. 
Reminds me of all of the times that I have been there and all of the good times that were had by all there.

Not only a reminder of the place that my sister calls home but a reminder of my sister and her family.
I sure do miss them, especially this time of year.

Last but not least, the bell.
These bells have been homemade by my great grandma, my grandma, and now my uncle Bob.
It is the ultimate staple for a Christmas tree.


Jennie said...

love the historic ornaments!

Karri said...

You made me tear up a little! I love the fact that I have my childhood ornaments on our tree. Every year we would get a new one. When we moved into our own homes, we got our ornaments.

Kari said...

love the idea! i might have to do the same for my december daily!

Why don't I have any ornaments from growing up? Ummmm, I'm not so happy about that....

Anonymous said...

Kari, We just weren't thinking about Christmas when you were here this summer. I have some put away for you somewhere around here.

Chris Miller said...

Oooops! Anonymous should be my name.