
Wednesday, August 04, 2010

ACE 2010

This week I will attending ACE  (Allscripts Client Experience).  This is a user group conference where over 3500 Allscripts product users will be at the same conference learning together and sharing ideas.  I have been to ACE twice before and have always had a great time.    This year at ACE, Benjamin Zander was the keynote speaker.  For those of you who don't recognize his name, Benjamin Zander is a conductor (of the Philharmonic Orchestra), teacher, and speaker.  He has co-written a book titled The Art of Possibility and came to ACE to talk to us about how we can change the world.  What an insipring man!    Throughout the conference there were daily sessions to choose from to attend that ranged in areas regarding training and education, end user support, workflow discussion, new tips and tricks, information about Meaningful Use (the government stimulus program), and much more.  The conference was held in Las Vegas so when we weren't working we didn't have any trouble finding things to do.

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