
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Coloring eggs

Hannah waited so patiently tonight while the eggs boiled. 

She wanted to do everything 'by herself' so once the eggs were cooled down she got to pour the vinegar, drop in the color tablet, add water, draw on the egg, drop in the egg into the color, stir the egg, scoop the egg out of the bucket, and set the egg on the rack to dry.


Jennie said...

...and they're beautiful.

Cute story from Grandma's--We were having an unofficial staring contest and I said "You just have the cutest lil chin" She looked at me in all seriousness and goes "What? Oh this?" while she pinched the bottom of her chin as if to say 'really? This old thing?!' :-) --hysterical!

Chris Miller said...

Starting those traditions that will last a lifetime.....love it!!

Kari said...

Just saw this picture real quick - she looks just like Judy here!