Brian has the most beautiful blue eyes and I wanted a blue eyed baby so bad. Brian's eyes were one of the first things that I noticed about him and I love staring into them (of course he isn't too fond of that but I get my way sometimes :-)
When Hannah was born I hoped that her eyes would turn blue and a few times even convinced myself that they were. The older she got, the darker they got. Oh well....maybe the next one...?!
Then came Hailey. Her eyes were blue almost the day she was born. They say that all babies are born with the same gray cloudyness to them...not her, her eyes looked blue to me. Could it be?! Was I going to have a blue eyed baby?! Everytime someone would come to see her I would point them out. People would humor me, "oh yes, they are blue...but you know, they can still change".
Now Hailey at 5 months...still blue eyes! Of course there is always a chance that they could change again but for now....I GOT IT! My blue eyed baby :-)